Ensemble prediction from multiple models
Ensemble prediction is a powerful technique for combining predictions from multiple models to produce more accurate and robust predictions. Errors of individual models cancel out or are reduced when combined with the predictions of other models. As a result, ensemble predictions can lead to better overall accuracy and reduce the risk of overfitting. This can be especially useful when working with complex or uncertain data. By combining the predictions of multiple models, users can identify which features or factors are most important for making accurate predictions. When using ensemble methods, choosing diverse models with different sources of error is essential to ensure that the ensemble predictions are more precise and robust.
The sits
package provides sits_combine_predictions()
to estimate ensemble predictions using probability cubes produced by sits_classify()
and optionally post-processed with sits_smooth()
. There are two ways to make ensemble predictions from multiple models:
Averaging: In this approach, the predictions of each model are averaged to produce the final prediction. This method works well when the models have similar accuracy and errors.
Uncertainty: Predictions from different models are compared in terms of their uncertainties on a pixel-by-pixel basis; predictions with lower uncertainty are chosen as being more likely to be valid.
In what follows, we will use the same sample dataset and data cube used in Chapter Image classification in data cubes to illustrate how to produce an ensemble prediction. The dataset samples_deforestation_rondonia
consists of 6007 samples collected from Sentinel-2 images covering the state of Rondonia. Each time series contains values from all Sentinel-2/2A spectral bands for year 2022 in 16-day intervals. The data cube is a subset of the Sentinel-2 tile “20LMR” which contains all spectral bands, plus spectral indices “NVDI”, “EVI” and “NBR” for the year 2022.
The first step is to recover the data cube which is available in the sitsdata
package, and to select only the spectral bands.
# Files are available in a local directory
data_dir <- system.file("extdata/Rondonia-20LMR/", package = "sitsdata")
# Read data cube
ro_cube_20LMR <- sits_cube(
source = "MPC",
collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A",
data_dir = data_dir
# reduce the number of bands
ro_cube_20LMR <- sits_select(
data = ro_cube_20LMR,
bands = c("B02", "B03", "B04", "B05", "B06", "B07", "B08", "B11", "B12", "B8A")
# plot one time step of the cube
plot(ro_cube_20LMR, blue = "B02", green = "B8A", red = "B11", date = "2022-08-17")

Figure 108: Subset of Sentinel-2 tile 20LMR ((©: EU Copernicus Sentinel Programme; source: Microsoft).
We will train three models: Random Forests (RF), Light Temporal Attention Encoder (LTAE), and Temporal Convolution Neural Networks (TempCNN), classify the cube with them, and then combine their results. The example uses all spectral bands. We first run the RF classification.
# train a random forest model
rfor_model <- sits_train(samples_deforestation_rondonia, sits_rfor())
# classify the data cube
ro_cube_20LMR_rfor_probs <- sits_classify(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 6,
memsize = 24,
version = "rfor"
ro_cube_20LMR_rfor_variance <- sits_variance(
window_size = 9,
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 6,
memsize = 24,
version = "rfor"
#> Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil Clear_Cut_Burned_Area Clear_Cut_Vegetation Forest
#> 75% 4.73 4.8225 0.380 0.9000
#> 80% 5.29 5.3020 0.460 1.2500
#> 85% 5.64 5.6400 0.570 1.9915
#> 90% 5.98 5.9900 0.830 4.0500
#> 95% 6.62 6.6605 4.261 6.3800
#> 100% 18.44 16.1800 13.390 23.4400
#> Mountainside_Forest Riparian_Forest Seasonally_Flooded Water Wetland
#> 75% 0.8000 0.9800 0.35 1.0300 4.71
#> 80% 2.2000 1.4520 0.45 1.5100 5.23
#> 85% 4.0415 2.6115 0.65 2.3800 5.63
#> 90% 5.4400 4.3800 1.08 3.8000 5.97
#> 95% 6.4200 6.0200 3.15 7.5715 6.49
#> 100% 12.5200 29.5500 18.67 51.5200 17.74
Based on the variance values, we apply the smoothness hyperparameter according to the recommendations proposed before. We choose values of \(\sigma^2_{k}\) that reflect our prior expectation of the spatial patterns of each class. For classes Clear_Cut_Vegetation
and Clear_Cut_Burned_Area
, to produce denser spatial clusters and remove “salt-and-pepper” outliers, we take \(\sigma^2_{k}\) values in 95%-100% range. In the case of the most frequent classes Forest
and Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil
we want to preserve their original spatial shapes as much as possible; the same logic applies to less frequent classes Water
and Wetland
. For this reason, we set \(\sigma^2_{k}\) values in the 75%-80% range for these classes. The class spatial patterns correspond to our prior expectations.
ro_cube_20LMR_rfor_bayes <- sits_smooth(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
smoothness = c(
"Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil" = 5.25,
"Clear_Cut_Burned_Area" = 15.0,
"Clear_Cut_Vegetation" = 12.0,
"Forest" = 1.8,
"Mountainside_Forest" = 6.5,
"Riparian_Forest" = 6.0,
"Seasonally_Flooded" = 3.5,
"Water" = 1.5,
"Wetland" = 5.5
multicores = 6,
memsize = 24,
version = "rfor"
ro_cube_20LMR_rfor_class <- sits_label_classification(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 6,
memsize = 24,
version = "rfor"
legend_text_size = 0.7, legend_position = "outside"

Figure 109: Land classification in Rondonia using a random forest algorithm (source: authors).
The next step is to classify the same area using a tempCNN algorithm, as shown below.
# train a tempcnn model
tcnn_model <- sits_train(
# classify the data cube
ro_cube_20LMR_tcnn_probs <- sits_classify(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 2,
memsize = 8,
gpu_memory = 8,
version = "tcnn"
ro_cube_20LMR_tcnn_variance <- sits_variance(
window_size = 9,
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 6,
memsize = 24,
version = "tcnn"
ro_cube_20LMR_tcnn_bayes <- sits_smooth(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
window_size = 11,
smoothness = c(
"Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil" = 1.5,
"Clear_Cut_Burned_Area" = 20.0,
"Clear_Cut_Vegetation" = 25.0,
"Forest" = 4.0,
"Mountainside_Forest" = 3.0,
"Riparian_Forest" = 40.0,
"Seasonally_Flooded" = 30.0,
"Water" = 1.0,
"Wetland" = 2.0
multicores = 2,
memsize = 6,
version = "tcnn"
ro_cube_20LMR_tcnn_class <- sits_label_classification(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 2,
memsize = 6,
version = "tcnn"
legend_text_size = 0.7, legend_position = "outside"

Figure 110: Land classification in Rondonia using tempCNN (source: authors).
The third model is the Light Temporal Attention Encoder (LTAE), which has been discussed.
# train a tempcnn model
ltae_model <- sits_train(samples_deforestation_rondonia, sits_lighttae())
# classify the data cube
ro_cube_20LMR_ltae_probs <- sits_classify(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 2,
memsize = 8,
gpu_memory = 8,
version = "ltae"
ro_cube_20LMR_ltae_variance <- sits_variance(
window_size = 9,
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 6,
memsize = 24,
version = "ltae"
We use the same rationale for selecting the smoothness
parameter for the Bayesian smoothing operation as in the cases above.
ro_cube_20LMR_ltae_bayes <- sits_smooth(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
window_size = 11,
smoothness = c(
"Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil" = 1.2,
"Clear_Cut_Burned_Area" = 10.0,
"Clear_Cut_Vegetation" = 15.0,
"Forest" = 4.0,
"Mountainside_Forest" = 8.0,
"Riparian_Forest" = 25.0,
"Seasonally_Flooded" = 30.0,
"Water" = 0.3,
"Wetland" = 1.8
multicores = 2,
memsize = 6,
version = "ltae"
ro_cube_20LMR_ltae_class <- sits_label_classification(
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13",
multicores = 2,
memsize = 6,
version = "ltae"
legend_text_size = 0.7, legend_position = "outside"

Figure 111: Land classification in Rondonia using tempCNN (source: authors).
To understand the differences between the results, it is useful to compare the resulting class areas produced by the different algorithms.
# get the summary of the map produced by RF
sum1 <- summary(ro_cube_20LMR_rfor_class) |>
dplyr::select("class", "area_km2")
colnames(sum1) <- c("class", "rfor")
# get the summary of the map produced by TCNN
sum2 <- summary(ro_cube_20LMR_tcnn_class) |>
dplyr::select("class", "area_km2")
colnames(sum2) <- c("class", "tcnn")
# get the summary of the map produced by LTAE
sum3 <- summary(ro_cube_20LMR_ltae_class) |>
dplyr::select("class", "area_km2")
colnames(sum3) <- c("class", "ltae")
# compare class areas of non-smoothed and smoothed maps
dplyr::inner_join(sum1, sum2, by = "class") |>
dplyr::inner_join(sum3, by = "class")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#> class rfor tcnn ltae
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil 80 67 66
#> 2 Clear_Cut_Burned_Area 1.7 4.4 4.5
#> 3 Clear_Cut_Vegetation 19 18 18
#> 4 Forest 280 240 240
#> 5 Mountainside_Forest 0.0088 0.065 0.051
#> 6 Riparian_Forest 47 45 44
#> 7 Seasonally_Flooded 70 120 120
#> 8 Water 63 67 67
#> 9 Wetland 14 11 11
The study area presents many challenges for land classification, given the presence of wetlands, riparian forests and seasonally-flooded areas. The results show the algorithms obtain quite different results, since each model has different sensitivities. The RF method is biased towards the most frequent classes, especially for Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil
and Forest
. The area estimated by RF for class Clear_Cut_Burned_Area
is the smallest of the three models. Most pixels assigned by LTAE and TCNN as burned areas are assigned by RF as being areas of bare soil. The RF algorithm tends to be more conservative. The reason is because RF decision-making uses values from single attributes (values of a single band in a given time instance), while LTAE and TCNN consider the relations between instances of the time series. Since the RF model is sensitive to the response of images at the end of the period, it tends to focus on values that indicate the presence of forests and bare soils during the dry season, which peaks in August. The LTAE model is more balanced to the overall separation of classes in the entire attribute space, and produces larger estimates of riparian and seasonally flooded forest than the other methods. In contrast, both LTAE and TCNN make more mistakes than RF in including flooded areas in the center-left part of the image on the left side of the rives as Clear_Cut_Vegetation
when the right label would be riparian or flooded forests.
Given the differences and complementaries between the three predicted outcomes, combining them using sits_combine_predictions()
is useful. This function takes the following arguments: (a) cubes
, a list of the cubes to be combined. These cubes should be probability cubes generated by which optionally may have been smoothened; (b) type
, which indicates how to combine the probability maps. The options are average
, which performs a weighted mean of the probabilities, and uncertainty
, which uses the uncertainty cubes to combine the predictions; (c) weights
, a vector of weights to be used to combine the predictions when average
is selected; (d) uncertainty_cubes
, a list of uncertainty cubes associated to the predictions; (e) multicores
, number of cores to be used; (f) memsize
, RAM used in the classification; (g) output_dir
, the directory where the classified raster files will be written.
# Combine the two predictions by taking the average of the probabilities for each class
ro_cube_20LMR_average_probs <- sits_combine_predictions(
cubes = list(
type = "average",
version = "average-rfor-tcnn-ltae",
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13/",
weights = c(0.33, 0.34, 0.33),
memsize = 16,
multicores = 4
# Label the average probability cube
ro_cube_20LMR_average_class <- sits_label_classification(
cube = ro_cube_20LMR_average_probs,
output_dir = "./tempdir/chp13/",
version = "average-rfor-tcnn-ltae",
memsize = 16,
multicores = 4
# Plot the second version of the classified cube
legend_text_size = 0.7, legend_position = "outside"

Figure 112: Land classification in Rondonia using the average of the probabilities produced by Random Forest and SVM algorithms (source: authors).
We can also consider the class areas produced by the ensemble combination and compare them to the original estimates.
# get the summary of the map produced by LTAE
sum4 <- summary(ro_cube_20LMR_average_class) |>
dplyr::select("class", "area_km2")
colnames(sum4) <- c("class", "ave")
# compare class areas of non-smoothed and smoothed maps
dplyr::inner_join(sum1, sum2, by = "class") |>
dplyr::inner_join(sum3, by = "class") |>
dplyr::inner_join(sum4, by = "class")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#> class rfor tcnn ltae ave
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil 80 67 66 70
#> 2 Clear_Cut_Burned_Area 1.7 4.4 4.5 4
#> 3 Clear_Cut_Vegetation 19 18 18 16
#> 4 Forest 280 240 240 250
#> 5 Mountainside_Forest 0.0088 0.065 0.051 0.036
#> 6 Riparian_Forest 47 45 44 46
#> 7 Seasonally_Flooded 70 120 120 110
#> 8 Water 63 67 67 67
#> 9 Wetland 14 11 11 11
As expected, the ensemble map combines information from the three models. Taking the RF model prediction as a base, there is a reduction in the areas of classes Clear_Cut_Bare_Soil
and Forest
, confirming the tendency of the RF model to overemphasize the most frequent classes. The LTAE and TempCNN models are more sensitive to class variations and capture time-varying classes such as Riparian_Forest
and Clear_Cut_Burned_Area
in more detail than the RF model. However, both TempCNN and LTAE tend to confuse the deforestation-related class Clear_Cut_Vegetation
and the natural class Riparian_Forest
more than the RF model. This effect is evident in the left bank of the Madeira river in the centre-left region of the image. Also, both the LTAE and TempCNN maps are more grainy and have more spatial variability than the RF map.
The average map provides a compromise between RF’s strong empahsis on the most frequent classes and the tendency of deep learning methods to produce outliers based on temporal relationship. The average map is less grainy and more spatially consistent than the LTAE and TempCNN maps, while introducing variability which is not present in the RF map.
This chapter shows the possibilities of ensemble prediction. There are many ways to get better results than those presented here. Increasing the number of spectral bands would improve the final accuracy. Also, Bayesian smoothing for deep learning models should not rely on default parameters; rather it needs to rely on variance analysis, increase the spatial window and provide more informed hyperparameters. In general, ensemble prediction should be consider in all situations where one is not satisfied with the results of individual models. Combining model output increses the reliability of the result and thus shouls be considered in all situations where similar classes are present.